Why Crystalline Waterproofing is Best Compared to Other Traditional Waterproofing?
Crystalline waterproofing is when the active chemicals in a crystalline product react with free lime and moisture in the concrete to generate crystals inside the concrete’s capillary system. Even under high hydrostatic pressure, this technique efficiently plugs any microcracks, holes, and capillaries within the concrete with an insoluble crystalline structure that prevents water and waterborne pollutants from entering.
The Most Important Advantages of Crystalline Waterproofing Over Other More Traditional Waterproofing Methods:
1. Increased Durability
Whenever water enters the concrete through new cracks or pores, the crystalline technology causes new crystals to grow and shut the pores. The insoluble crystals that form within the concrete are resistant to physical damage and do not decay; punctures, splits, and seam leaks are not a concern. When crystalline waterproofing technologies are implemented, a building’s durability improves as a result.
2. Versatility in Applications
The crystalline waterproofing solutions are highly versatile, practical, and dependable in various applications, including dry sprinkle, slurry, and admixture. Because crystalline technology facilitates and amplifies cement’s natural hydration process, it is used in complicated architectural designs that require reliable waterproofing in any shape or form.
3. No VOCs
After demolition, crystalline waterproofing solutions contain no volatile organic compound (VOC) and are recycled. There is no need to separate the membrane from the concrete. Furthermore, there are no waterborne toxins in the concrete, and no petroleum-based compounds are left behind to leach into the soil.
4. Efficient Installation
Crystalline technology simplifies installation and eliminates the need for damage prevention, which helps to reduce the time spent installing the protection layers. It saves a lot of time and money by reducing the number of people needed to complete the project.
5. Cost-Saving
Because crystalline waterproofing has simple installation techniques and does not require a protection layer, it saves money on a longer construction timeline, human resources to install protection layers, and the protection layers themselves. Because crystalline waterproofing technology provides long-term, high-quality concrete protection, it allows for a more significant building footprint and fewer long-term maintenance and repairs.
Crystalline waterproofing helps make your concrete strong, which makes your construction strong. There are various advantages of Crystalline waterproofing, such as an increase in durability, different application, installation, and saving money. And when it comes to trustworthy professionals and services, only one name comes to mind: Organix. We provide you with the best service of all time and have the best professionals. Contact us Soon!