Quick Benefits of Successful Crystalline Waterproofing
The crystalline waterproofing process successfully fills any microcracks, pores, and capillaries within the concrete with an insoluble crystalline structure that blocks water and water-borne chemicals from penetrating, even under high hydrostatic pressure. Because crystalline waterproofing is a procedure where the active components in a crystalline product react with the free lime and moisture in the concrete to produce crystals within the capillary system of the concrete. Concrete itself becomes a water barrier because the crystalline technology itself works as a self-sealing technology. And its products are offered in two application method-can be applied by combining into the concrete like an admixture or by surface application directly.
So, how crystalline waterproofing is more beneficial as compared to other more traditional methods?
A building’s endurance or durability increases when crystalline waterproofing systems are used because the crystals that formed within the concrete are insoluble and will be resistant to physical damage and do not fail, there is no danger of punctures, tears, or seam leaks. Whenever any kind of water enters the concrete, be it from new cracks or pores, the crystalline technology triggers new crystals to grow and seal the pores in the concrete.
The crystalline waterproofing technology encourages and develops the natural hydration process of cement, it becomes suitable for complicated architectural designs that require secure waterproofing in any structure or form. The crystalline waterproofing systems are highly flexible, useful, and dependable for a wide range of applications.
In Crystalline waterproofing systems, no membrane separation is required from the concrete as waterborne pollutants are not present in the concrete, and petroleum-based materials are not left behind to filter into the soil. Because it does not contain any dangerous organic mixture and, it can be fully recycled after demolition.
Crystalline technology makes installation easy, and there is no need for protection against harm which in turn helps to shorten the time required for installation of the protection layers.it decreases manpower and shortens the construction schedule.
Crystalline waterproofing decreases the cost on a longer construction schedule, manpower to install protection layers because of its uncomplicated installation procedures, and no requirement for protection layer. Crystalline waterproofing technology allows a larger building footprint and lesser maintenance and repairs over the long-term because of its permanent high-quality protection.
Concrete is porous so, it requires waterproofing to save it from cracks, waterborne pollutants, and chemicals that can cause deterioration so, crystalline waterproofing is the only solution to increase its life.